Saturday, July 26, 2014
Scavenger Hunt Linky Party (a little late) !!
7:15 PM
I couldn't link up to the Scavenger Hunt linky party because I didn't have my blog then!! FINALLY I have mine up and running (way cute design coming soon...) but I couldn't wait to share my favorite pictures from the OH SO FUN #bloghoppin2014 Scavenger Hunt!! :)
One of my favorite parts of this entire event is getting family, friends (and sometimes strangers) in on the fun!!
*A group of people playing leapfrog*
*6 pairs of feet in flip flops*
My Mom showed up to a Gender Reveal Party I was hosting sporting #teamblue in a BLUE WIG!! #mymomiscoolerthanyourmom
*Someone wearing a blue wig*
My sweet husband was incredibly patient with me while we were in Vegas. I stopped every 10 feet searching high & low to find potential finds. I think I hit the jackpot when Elvis was begging for some photo love.
*A person kissing an Elvis impersonator on the cheek*
...and no I didn't make contact. Ick.
*A Gondola*
Loved meeting Hope King from Elementary Shenanigans !! She just so happened to have...
*Oversized Sunglasses*
The bonus points were so much fun! When I realized I was lagging behind a bit- they really helped me out!! Love me some #doodlebugspaper
*Bonus- "Like" Doodlebugs Paper on Facebook*
Caught my Principal in the middle of a serious convo, so I was able to sneak in and get...
*Me sitting in the Principal's office*
Before I started my @loopinlittles instagram, I was doing all of my hunting photos on my personal insta. My poor non-teacher friends. I not only got some dirty looks, but threats! Haha. Loved seeing another teacher post, "How many bonus points do I get for the amount of people that UNfollow me?!" FOR. REAL.
Anyways, some of my favorites were:
*A paperweight*- Cara Carroll and I happened to be #paperweighttwinkies- kinda made my day! AND when @doodlebugsteaching "liked" my picture, I may have jumped up and down! :)
*A pirate*- the hubby insisted I make the pirate "Argghh" sound. I should get bonus points for that.
*A man wearing a dress*- I mean seriously, Uncle Jim ROCKED this outfit at a PUBLIC water park!
This hunt has been SO much fun!!... and very competitive!! I'm sure all of my friends, (and family, and husband...and strangers) will be extremely happy when it's over! But I'm very thankful for the networking and connections I've made!
Thank you, Blog Hoppin' for hosting!! :)
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Love reading your blog!! And I hope you win the bloghoppin camera... You deserve it girl!
ReplyDeleteKaty @