Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Made It...Tuesday?!?
2:15 PM
Welp, I missed the Monday Made It Linky Party yesterday...but it's not because of the reason you are thinking. I was very busy being crafty, but when it came time to post- the always dramatic, never realistic, 3 hour finale of The Bachelorette was on. I've never missed a season. #prioritiespeople
BUT, I'm finally getting around to posting.
I did a little preview on my instagram last night of my first #mondaymadeit. This poor stool was an icky brown color- I HAD to jazz it up a bit! Paint markers weren't working for me on this project. I had to use a good ole paint brush for the polka dots :)
After I was all finished- I glossed it with the magical Mod Podge and ta-da!!
I'm lucky enough to have a stove and oven in my classroom! It's originally a kindergarten classroom- and you know much those little ones use the stove- NOT- I've never understood why they chose to build one. The oven has been a gold mine for us when we are baking our gingerbread cookies or delicious cupcakes! Anywho, I've had to stare at this eyesore of a stove cover for 3 long years.
I've always had this area in my room designated as my Writing Center, and the kids have no idea there's a working stove underneath! shhhhh! But that gross, disgusting cover needed to go. Thanks to some chalkboard contact paper I found at my local teacher store, I was able to tackle it!
Don't ask me what took me so long to do cover this bad boy, but I love the clean result!! :)
I finally printed out the AMAZING Guided Reading Mini Lessons pack from What the Teacher Wants!
Oh. Em. Gee.
If you haven't purchased it yet- get on it! It's going to absolutely save me this year! Inside the pack are these adorable signs for those students working on different reading strategies. Love the large size of them and how they are two sided!
Too. Cute.
Can't wait to use these with my littles!
In efforts to try and make a little extra cash, I've started making personalized teacher canvases for the staff at my school! Here's a peek at the canvases I've made for my girls on my team! It's been a fun project before school starts! :)
The last one I haven't quite finished yet. One of my most FAVORITE things in my writing center are my class journals. I've used them for 3 years now, and they are getting a little beaten up- and some are out of paper!! Time to create some new ones.
Come back later in the week to see how I use class journals in my Writing Center!
It's definitely a student's favorite in my room!
Thanks for stopping by!! Let's hope I can make the linky party ON TIME next week! :)
Labels:Back to School,DIY,Made It Monday
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