Wednesday, September 2, 2015
#TeacherWeek15- Classroom Reveal!!!
5:04 PM
My 6th year of teaching has begun!!
And now it's time to reveal to you my home away from home for this year <3
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Y'all, I'm in love. |
Let me start out by saying these pictures were taken one week into the school year. In other words, students have had their hands on everything and have completely messed some areas up made it their home!
One more thing I want to say is...I didn't have to buy a single piece of furniture this year!!
*insert happy dance here*
Our amazing district was able to provide us with BRAND NEW flexible seating in all K-5 classrooms!!
Bye-Bye heavy and cumbersome kidney table and desks....Hello Awesome-ness!!
(Never mind that the kids trip over the enormous bean bags)
I have 3 of these bad boys in my room- 2 remain stacked for now until rest time
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Back counter: cubbies, sink, writing center, student work and mailboxes |
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My student's book boxes are on a shelf behind the couch- I love how they are a little hidden so visitors don't see the clutter |
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Tally Mark pillows from Ikea :) |
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My teacher area (AKA kid free zone) is against that wall. The bean bags definitely come in handy for when we do team planning :) |
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Classroom Library- My mom gave me my adorable chair when I got married 2 years ago <3 |
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Meeting Area- yay for giant bean bags that are washable #saynotolice Sit Spots on the carpet from |

My mom came up with the adorable idea of "swagging" my alphabet- her words, not mine ;) I absolutely LOVE how it turned out and it's my favorite part of my room. I got my letters from Kinder Craze- obsessed with all of her classroom decor- and added my own ribbon in between each letter.
Working on my new white board "puzzle piece" small group table has been exactly what I needed! No more "please go get your whiteboard..(2 minutes later).. No, that's your journal, I said whiteboard..(another 3 minutes)..." #forthelove
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Reading nook, Great Expectations Board, and display shelf |
A new detail, but one I'm super excited about is my new classroom cubbies! We painted them with black chalkboard paint. It was a process for sure.
First, taking off the hardware (thank you hubby!) then spending a good amount time painting 2 coats (thank you Mom!)
For now, they have yellow post it stickys with names. My classroom is currently a revolving door with students so once I feel it's solid, I'll add their names with some super cute Cara Carroll-inspired chalkboard lettering :)
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Right now, I have seats for each child at a table but the option for various seating during Writer's Workshop and stations have been so much fun.
I love how the tables are super easy to move into any shape I want in order to accommodate different classroom activities. After my routines and classroom expectations are set in place (I'm thinking October) we will have the choice of where to sit. My ideal situation would be for kids to choose where they feel they work best. Some students genuinely prefer to be in a chair at a table but we all know that other kids just want to have more freedom.
Hosting parents last night for Curriculum Night and having them lounge back on the couches or sprawl out in the bean bags showed me once again that our kids need to be comfortable! I finally feel like my classroom is exactly that- comfortable, and HAPPY!!
Have you linked up with Blog Hoppin's #teacherweek to show off your Happy Classroom?
Click on the pic below
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, August 31, 2015
#TeacherWeek 15!! -- Fun Facts Monday
5:36 PM
Hey y'all! I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin's #TeacherWeek15 !!
Today is...
So here it goes...
I am married to my very best friend! We have been together for 10 YEARS and will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary this November! <3
Andrew is the definition of Real Men Marry Teachers. He's the most patient man I know and always encourages me to be the best teacher I can be.
I'm a K-1 looping teacher!! ... What is that you ask? Well, it means that I start with one group of kindergarten students, and then "loop" with them to 1st grade for another year. Having the same students for 2 years is amazing. While looping has it's pros and cons, the relationships I am able to make with each student and their families are incredible. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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My class two years ago- right before I got married and became Mrs. Saxon :) |
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Same group 2 years later! |
This is my 6th year teaching and I'm back in Kindergarten starting my 3rd loop with a whole new group! Beginning with a brand new batch of kinder babies is always insane exciting!
I have the cutest dog known to man.
Meet Baxter.
He's a Morkie (Maltese & Yorkie mix) and he's spoiled rotten.
Soooo much puppy love for this guy!
I have a very unhealthy obsession with Fixer Upper.
Y'all if I could just be Joanna Gaines for just a day, I'd be happy.
I'd even settle for just being her BFF.
Make that- I'd settle to just MEET her!
Because of her, I have become completely obsessed with the "farmhouse" style and my house is now exactly that. I've never met a rugged old piece of wood or an old antique window that I haven't contemplated bringing home.
My friend, Katy and I made a trip to Waco to visit their little shop on Bosque.
I may have cried and screamed when we pulled up.
No shame.
I'm now the proud owner of a Magnolia coffee mug and tea towel #cantaffordthemagnoliawreath
Can't wait for the new Silos location to open in October. You can bet I'll be there opening weekend!
Painting my nails is my favorite boredom killer. I got so tired of spending way too much money on going to get my gel nails done- so Mom had a genius idea for me to get the at home gel kit.
I'm in love!
Best. Purchase. Ever. and has saved me SO much money!!
Hop on over to Blog Hoppin' to link up for Teacher Week so we can get to know 5 fun facts about you!!
Come back Wednesday for this year's Classroom Reveal. So excited to show you my room!
(And yes, you read that right- I skipped Tuesday. That's because Tuesday is Make Ahead Meals and this girl doesn't cook. )
Labels:About Me,Back to School,Teacher Week | 2
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
All About The Teacher Autobiography
9:21 AM
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw me post about my new Autobiography for me to read to my sweet kinder babies this year!
I'm so excited!
I first found the idea on Mrs. Hilderbrand's blog Once Upon a First Grade Adventure! Too cute!
I loved her book! I just wanted to make my own template with different graphics.
I plan on reading the book the first week of school to help the kids answer the MANY questions they have for me! After I read it, I will put this book in our classroom library for the kids to read whenever they would like!
I had so many of you request a template for you to make your own book. Your wish is granted!
This template is ready for you to edit and make your own! Just click the picture below!!
(It's on sale 20% off TODAY ONLY- July 21)
Just simply print, laminate, and bind with cute ribbon :)
Labels:About Me,Back to School,Books,Read Alouds | 0
Saturday, January 10, 2015
GoNoodle Sanity Savers Linky!!
8:01 AM
Okay, this is super fun!
I'm linking up with the adorable Elizabeth Hall at Kickin' It In Kindergarten!!
(Can I just say I got to meet her in Vegas this Summer- and she was one of the sweetest girls ever!)
Today's linky is all about GoNoodle- and a little bit about me!
If you haven't heard about how much I love GoNoodle, you obviously haven't read my posts here and here.
It's a healthy obsession, I promise. :)
Favorite Brain Breaks- Indoor Recess Mash Ups!!
Oh my goodness!! This was exactly what this teacher needed this week!! With NO recess for 4 days in a row, we were going CRAZY! So thankful that GoNoodle created these 15 minute mash ups (a warm up, mix of different brain breaks, and a cool down!)

I also can't get enough of "Chillax" before we take a spelling test or when I just need those little bodies to calm it down.

Happy Place- Canton, TX.
I wish you could say that you could find me there the first Monday of every month, but with this freezing cold weather...and the lack of money in my wallet right now...I just can't.
But you can bet that I'm taking a personal day to head out to get my antique shopping on in March!!

Guilty Pleasure- Reality T.V
I have no shame in this. Should I? #sorrynotsorry
I can't get enough of my Bachelor nights with my girls, as well as anything on Bravo!

"Prince Farming"- ABC will never stop the cheesiness.
Keep Calm And.... Pray for Snow!!
I have to go with Elizabeth on this one- Texas is definitely feeling left out of the Snow Days. Where's our "wintery mix" we keep hearing about!? :(

Thanks Elizabeth for hosting!! Now head on over to her linky to link up for your chance to win some fun GoNoodle Swag!

Labels:About Me,GoNoodle,Linky Party | 4
Welcome Back, and Five for Friday!
7:16 AM
First of all...
I can't believe it's already 2015 and my firstie babies are about to be second graders.
I'm not gonna lie- I was super dreading coming back to school this week. It's really nothing about the kids or my job- I feel so blessed to be in the profession that we are in...
It was because of my incredibly soft bed, and my adorable new puppy that gives the best morning snuggles!
Oh wait, you haven't heard the hubs and I have a new puppy!?
WELL, I must introduce you... Here is our sweet 5 month old adorable baby Morkie, Baxter!
He's no joke the cutest dog in the world. :)
...Back to School...
Today I'm linking up with the fab DoodleBugsTeaching for her Five for Friday!!
I made it- and survived the first day WEEK back! And to my surprise, it has been a FABULOUS week! I was worried about the nonstop talking, and dreading the amount of review I was going to have to teach {including that this classroom is a still a no nose-picking zone!}but my kids have been ROCKING it!
With all of this review, we also dove 2 webbed feet first into our penguin study using this fabulous resource from Heidi Dickey!
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Her blog at My (Not So) Elementary Life is too cute! Check it out! |
After starting with a KWL, we split up into 5 penguin groups to study different kinds! The kids were pumped to do independent research and present their findings :)
Y'all. I had a conference call with GoNoodle on Saturday!! The Co-Founder, Aaron Briggs reached out to Erin Klein {OMG!} and myself. Can I just say I may have screamed when I read the email? I can't say enough how amazing social media is!! SO thankful for Twitter and Instagram and for the connections I've been able to make with teachers around the nation!
Erin and I are avid GoNoodle PLUS users, and Aaron was hoping to get some feedback on some things that we love about GoNoodlePLUS, as well as pick our brains about some things we would change.
Even MORE great things are coming, guys! Just wait!!
{Don't know too much about GoNoodle and these amazing brain breaks for your class? Check out my GoNoodle post here!}
Every year, I tend to be stuck on what resolutions I want to have for the year, this year- I finally wrote them down!
My students made their resolutions for the year as well. Not gonna lie, I was super impressed with their goals for themselves!
{Precious} |
So if you live in Texas, you have probably heard about the ridiculous amount of earthquakes we have been having here in Irving. So far, I think we have had 20 in the past two months. On Monday, we had 3!! My students have been asking and wondering what's happening.
"Is our house going to fall down in a large crack in the ground and land in hot lava?"
--No joke-- He was genuinely concerned.
After researching earthquakes on, we learned that buildings can withstand the tremble of quakes if they have a strong base. We were challenged to make our own structure to see if our buildings could withstand the shaking...
Sidenote: Jello = Ground :)
Too much fun, y'all. And yes, we totally grabbed spoons and ate the jello afterwards!
A huge hit in my classroom this week was Sight Word Head Hunters!
I used this game as a review of some sight words we've learned this year. Super easy to create! I put a list of my students on one side of the paper- and random first grade sight words we've learned on the other side. Each student received a sight word from the list- and we taped it to their heads. Kids walked around the room trying to match the sight words to their friend's names.
Anything to get them moving, right?
It was a fabulous formative assessment that I will definitely do again.
This game had me thinking so many other versions...
Math Fact Head Hunter
Vocabulary Head Hunter
Onset Blends Head Hunter
...oh the possibilities!
Well in a nut shell, that was our week here in first grade. Glad we survived it and now we are praying for a snow day this weekend.
If you haven't already, head on over to Doodlebugs teaching and link up to her Five for Friday linky!
Have a great weekend, y'all! Stay Warm!
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