Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ask Me!!

It's Sunday night and this teacher has about 7 more loads of laundry to do, so I have to keep this short and sweet...
I'm sure you've seen these floating around on Pinterest, and if y'all haven't grabbed these GENIUS "Ask Me" printables from Frogs and Cupcakes to create  for your little ones- you're missing out. 

I'm telling you- it's GENIUS! 
How many times AFTER you explain directions do you have students coming up to you asking EXACTLY the question you just gave the answer to? 
Ya, that's what I thought. 
It's ridiculous. 

I used her free printable to create badges for my kids instead of necklaces (only because I had the badge holders lying around.) 
In our class, we have 5 Ask Me badges.
 The students work hard to "earn" the badge while I am giving directions. When I'm done giving my spiel, I will choose up to 5 Ask Me friends to wear the badge to assist friends who still have questions while I'm working with a group.

Y'all- you would think I made them kings and queens of our kingdom. 
It's a huge deal to be an Ask Me friend. 
After the station is completed, the "kings and queens" are asked to return the badge for me to pick new friends after another assignment is given. 
They LOVE it! And it works!! 

Click the pic below to grab your FREE printable! Thanks so much Frogs and Cupcakes!! :)

Told ya it would be short and sweet! Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!! 

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