Monday, July 21, 2014

Teachers Be Shoppin' Linky Party!

So I'm linking up with the oh so cute Kickin' It In Kindergarten to show some essential things I have had on my teacher shopping list. Let's be real... the list is NEVER ENDING!! 

My goal this year is ORGANIZATION. This is my 5th year teaching, and I have yet to master that skill. I keep acquiring STUFF with nowhere to put it all. When I heard Cara Carroll's idea of using monthly tubs to store her decor/thematic unit games/thematic manipulatives- I HAD to steal that idea!! You can find hers here !! (They are way more cute and colorful than mine). 

I feel like I hit the jackpot when I found the Sterelite tub drawers at Big Lots- but these were extra amazing. They were the taller 5 drawer sets! I had no idea they made such a thing, and they were calling out my name. At 25 bucks a pop, I just had to have them. After decorating the drawers a tad, here's how they look! 
You can find the drawer labels for FREE from here!- I printed 2 copies- one set for my calendar headings! :)
Thank you, Kinder-Craze!

I'm not finished loading the drawers up with all of my goodies, but this gives you an idea of all of the junk necessary items I need to put inside each one! :) 

My next jackpot may be my most favorite find. I have been looking high and low for a child's xylophone. (No, I'm not the music teacher.) I saw in another teacher's classroom where she has her classroom greeter "ding" the xylophone to get the class' attention, and then introduce the visitor at the door. LOVED it! It sounded way better than the poor child yelling at the class and nobody listening.
BUT it's a lot harder to find a xylophone than you think. I didn't want the one that 2 year olds pull on a string. Finally, I found this one at Walmart for $19.99!! 

What am I going to use the hammer and balls for?? A new game for my struggling babies to stretch out CVC words!! :) Each sound they say, they hit the ball. I'm sure I'm not the only teacher that thought of this, but I'm pretty excited and had to give myself a pat on the back for that idea :)...Any other ideas you have for this toy?

I'm not that happy with Target right now. They have let me down a few times with their Dollar Spot the past couple weeks. However, I did find this fun $5 portable speaker! I plan on using it at my Guided Reading table for easy access to transition music and such. It's cute and compact- and PINK! Done. 

One of the first things on my "must buy" list was this INCREDIBLE book!! After reading all of the amazing reviews from Hope, Cara, and so many others, I knew I had to take a peek.
Y'all. I'm not even a reader. (I'm a teacher that LOVES children's books, but can pass on all the rest) But seriously, I'm so thankful I picked up a copy. Each chapter is now highlighted, dog-eared and starred with amazing inspiration. And if it doesn't leave you a little teary eyed, we need to talk. Go out and get you a copy and one for a friend!

I have so much left on my shopping list, but for now- I'm broke as a joke. New sharpies, pocket charts, and post-its will have to wait until pay day. 

Thanks Elizabeth for starting the linky party! It's my first one and it's just too fun! :)


  1. Yay! So proud of you for starting your blog and linking up! Have you finished Crash Course yet? We should do a little book chat...I might have another linky idea lol
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I love that little speaker! Such a great idea!!!!


  3. I am going to copy your drawers! Organization is a goal if mine EVERY YEAR (for 16 years in a row)! How did you attach the labels?

    1. I cut scrapbook paper and taped the monthly labels on- then taped them on the inside of the drawers! Super easy! :)
