Thursday, July 17, 2014

My First Post: Vivaaaa Las Vegas!

Las Vegas! Many of us know it as "Sin City" ...or the place where your husband gambles away all of your money (or is that just my husband?)  ;) But you probably didn't know that Vegas is also the place where teachers from around the nation go to party attend the annual "I Teach 1st" conference!!

I had the incredible privilege to attend the conference FREE OF CHARGE thanks to my principal and INCREDIBLY supportive parents in my class. I'm unbelievably spoiled by these wonderful people and they never cease to amaze me with their genorosity and kindness. #blessed
At "I teach 1st", I was able to fulfill my dream of meeting and learning from the best of the best! These amazing women are not only incredible teachers and bloggers, but beautiful inside & out! 

I feel so inspired after learning from Hope King (Second Grade Shenanigans.) She reignited my passion and energy and I absolutely can't wait to return to my little firsties this year. Her class was "Setting the Stage to Engage" and it certainly didn't disappoint! Loved the idea of having our students wonder "What exciting stuff does Mrs. Saxon have planned for us today??" 

Y'all- these two lovely ladies seriously ROCK! Elizabeth from Kickin' it in Kindergarten is the sweetest! You can't help but feel welcome and encouraged when you are in the room with these two blondies!

And this will be my quote for the year <3 Thank you, Hope! 

Meeting my teaching idols were without a doubt the highlight of my week! The fabulous Cara Carroll from The First Grade Parade. I mean y'all, seriously, THE Cara Carroll! To say that I have stalked followed her blog like crazy the past 3 years of teaching is a huge understatement. I may have stammered and stuttered when I introduced myself - but wouldn't you? Her passion, enthusiasm, creativity, and sense of humor is evident in her posts, but shines when you meet her! 

#paperweightsistersforlife :)

...and if y'all haven't seen her crazy ADORABLE behavior management idea involving a sock hanging on a clothesline- check it out HERE! Hanging my clothesline tomorrow! #youreknockinmysocksoff

And I can't go without mentioning the Queen of Teachers Pay Teachers, Deanna Jump and the fabulous Rachelle Smith. Talk about a real-life Rock Stars and an inspiration to all teachers. I sat in their classes finding myself in complete awe. Thank you so much for filling in the gaps I needed for Guided Reading and interventions. My students will be BEGGING for THESE fun activities! 

And y'all- I'm not done yet. Wednesday night, all of these fabulous ladies hosted a #2014VegasMeetUp for all teachers and bloggers who wanted to attend! I couldn't pass up an opportunity to chat and hang with these girls one more time! 600+ teachers gathered in ONE ballroom- laughing, introducing, hugging, taking selfies, and talking all things bloggy!

 It. Was. Crazy. Awesome! 

The cherry on top of it all was meeting a new friend to go through this INSANE teaching roller coaster with! You would  think that her 10 first grade little ones in Michigan would have NOTHING in common with my 22 rugrats in Texas, but we can't wait to collaborate this year! 
Looking forward to some fun with Ms. Jurczak! 

Now teachers do know how to have some fun. [I didn't get to splurge on delicious desserts from Serendipity like Hope King and the rest of the crazies,] BUT The Hubby and I DID get to visit my home away from home...

Later we checked out the new HighRoller Ferris Wheel. Super fun! 

Vegas, once again, did not disappoint us. It was without a doubt a week I will never forget. 
So thankful for the memories and friendships! 

Already looking forward to next year! 

P.S- Shout out to Molly from  Lucky to be in First  for the blog name idea! You're too sweet to help me, and I'm glad I took your advice... "Just Do It!!"  :) 


  1. Yay! Welcome to the world of blogging! You'll love it!

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. Yay!!! I loved reading your post!! Thank you for coming to my session. I can't wait until next year!

  3. SO FUN!! Thanks for coming to our meet up and sharing your fun Vegas post!! <3
